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What to expect from your coach

Unlock Your Full Potential with Paul Mashauri's Exclusive Career Coaching Program. Elevate your career with personalized coaching, tailored strategies, and holistic support. From job search preparation to ongoing learning, embark on a transformative journey to success. Choose from tailored packages and start your journey today. Your career transformation begins now.

Who is this for?

"For ambitious professionals seeking career opportunities and mastery, our program is tailored to individuals hungry for success. Through strategic guidance, skill enhancement, and AI readiness, we empower you for sustained career progression."

Enrollment Details:

Complete the Intake Form:

  • Provide essential information about your goals and needs, aiding your coach in tailoring the program to your unique requirements.

Proceed to Pricing and Packages:

  • Review program details and explore different options on the pricing and packages page to find your best fit for career development.

Secure Purchase:

  • Enroll in the coaching program with a secure online purchase, receiving confirmation and details for next steps.

Welcome Message and Access:

  • Upon purchase, access a personalized welcome message and receive email instructions to begin your coaching journey.

Schedule First Session:

  • Use the provided link to schedule your first one-on-one session, initiating your personalized coaching experience.

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Choose a pricing plan

Secure a 50% scholarship for our career coaching program! Criteria include financial need, achievements, leadership potential, essay/interview performance, recommendations, and more. Email to apply and take your career to new heights!

Silver Pack:1-Month: (Foundation Stage)

Weeks 1-2: Job Search Preparation
  • In-depth career goals and aspirations analysis.
  • Extensive skills assessment and targeted improvement plan.
  • Crafting a standout, regularly updated resume.
Weeks 3-4: Digital Presence
  • Establishing and maintaining a strong, influential online presence.
  • Advanced LinkedIn strategies for optimal job search visibility.
  • Professional branding alignment with career goals.
Weeks 5-6: Networking
  • VIP access to exclusive industry events and networking opportunities.
  • Membership to premium online forums and communities.
  • Personalized guidance on leveraging informational interviews.

Gold Pack:2-Month: (Advanced stage)

Weeks 7-8: Skill Development
  • Tailored skill enhancement plan with access to elite courses.
  • Participation in advanced workshops and webinars.
  • Mentor-led development of proficiency in cutting-edge digital tools.
Weeks 9-10: Market Research
  • Continuous updates on industry trends and insights.
  • Detailed research on companies of interest.
  • Expert analysis of AI and automation's impact on the chosen field.

Platinum Pack:3-Month: (Full Program)

Weeks 11-12: Resume Optimization and Cover Letter
  • Tailoring resumes for specific job applications with expert guidance.
  • Advanced strategies for impactful action verbs and quantifiable achievements.
  • Designing visually appealing and ATS-friendly resumes.
  • Customized cover letters for each application, meticulously crafted.
Weeks 13-14: Interview Preparation
  • Intensive practice with common and challenging interview questions.
  • Crafting compelling STAR stories for behavioral interviews.
  • One-on-one mock interviews with seasoned coaches.
  • Advanced research and preparation for interviewee questions.
Weeks 15-16: Personal Branding and AI Readiness
  • Establishing and maintaining a unique and consistent personal brand.
  • Comprehensive understanding of AI's industry impact.
  • Showcasing adaptability to technological changes.
  • Staying ahead with up-to-date AI-related skills.
Ongoing Support and Beyond (Months 4+)

Continuous Support and Job Application Process
  • VIP mentorship network access.
  • Priority feedback sessions with coaches and peers.
  • Centralized, automated system for tracking applications.
  • Proactive follow-up strategies after applications.
  • Interview Etiquette, Negotiation, and Post-Interview Reflection
  • Personalized guidance on professional attire and interview demeanor.
  • Rigorous technology testing and internet stability checks.
  • VIP punctuality reminder service.
  • In-depth research on salary ranges and negotiation strategies.

Before Your Session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Blog Posts

"Elevate Your Performance: Unveiling the Power of After-Action Review"
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"Unleash Your Innovation Potential: Embracing Change and Creativity"
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Unveiling Your True Success: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
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Unveiling the Power Within: Lessons from Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi
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Unveiling Your True Success: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
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Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Abilities, Skills, and Expertise
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Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Abilities, Skills, and Expertise
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"Mastering Life's Playbook: Unveiling the Power of Principles"
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Mastering the Art of Time Management: Unleash Your Potential
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Stepping Beyond Your Comfort Zone: Creating a Legacy of Impact
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